2 years ago I met Sean. He adopted my cat from me through a Craigslist ad. My wife and I were overwhelmed with a dog and a new baby so had to put the cat 'ninja' up for adoption. Sean responded to the ad and him and I emailed each other a few times back and forth about caring for the animal. Sean was taking care of a family cat that was 19 when it passed and so he wanted to care for another cat. I live 40 minutes west of city and Sean came to my house and we had a short conversation. He told me that he was in training at police academy and was going to be a Sommerville police officer some day. He was very excited to see and take care of Ninja, he left my house about 15 minutes later. I found Sean's email the other day and had forgotten the day he came to my house. I will not forget you Sean and neither will Ninja. RIP


Thank you for your service brother. You are not in vain.

Zac F.

I am so sorry to hear about your loss and I would like to offer you my condolences. I can understand your frustrations and pains in your heart with this world and why we should have hope because I used to feel the same way. But keep in mind that God is always there to keep us going and He will never leave us especially in times like this.

Cathy Miller

Rest in Peace Officer Sean Collier. You are now joined with your 19,000 brothers in Blue who's names are permanently carved on the Memorial Walls in Judiciary Square in Washington D.C. On August 5, 2013 you will be remembered and recognized by the Officer Harold L. Vitale Memorial Fund, Inc. at a gathering at our Memorial golf tournament held in Officer Vitale's honor (EOW 6/18/85, Saugus PD, Badge #17) some 27 years after his death. He is not forgotten and you will not be forgotten. We thank you for your service and sacrifice. You actions and your professionalism remind us all about the dangers of the job, and you also remind us why freedom is not free. Our condolences to your family. You are a true American Hero. Thank you. Well done Officer Collier, well done. The members of the Officer Vitale Memorial Fund.

Les Vitale, President Officer Harold L. Vitale Memorial Fund, Inc

As I sit here in the station, I often think you're going to come busting through these doors following a construction detail -- to make sure you're on time for roll call -- like you had done so many times before. You will never be forgotten, Sean. Never.
RIP #179

A colleague/friend

Still thinking about you. We will not forget you!

MIT Police

My deepest sympathies for the loss of your son, brother, and friend, Sean Collier.

As a member of the MIT community, I was shocked and deeply saddened by the events of April 18th, but even more so with the discovery that Sean's death hit closer to home than I had realized. Sean was one of our dance students and a member of the Boston Lindy Hop community. He frequently stopped by the MIT Lindy Hop Wednesday dances on his shifts and decided to sign up for the April Beginner Swing series at our studio to learn Lindy Hop so he could participate more fully.

Even though he was just starting to be involved in our dance community, we all felt a loss at his passing, and a steal jam, one of our dance traditions, was held in his honor at the weekly dance that Friday. I never met Sean, but hearing stories of his kindness and joy for life, knowing that our paths would have crossed eventually, made me feel a deep loss that I would never be able to know this incredible man.

Sean made the ultimate sacrifice to protect his MIT family, and as an MIT staff member and alumna who has experienced many threats to our campus over the years, I am eternally grateful for Sean and all of our MIT officers. I know they hardly ever receive thanks for the selfless service they give to all of us. Thank you. Thank you for always protecting us.


It is such a tragedy to see a young man like Sean gunned down. My sincere sympathy to his family, may he Rest in Peace. I am wondering if Sean had an Irish background, if so where in Ireland did his parents come from. I was a Collier before I married. God Bless, Betty

Elizabeth Burke

My condolences to the Collier and MIT Police families. Sean’s ultimate sacrifice embodies the risks that the MIT Police (and other law-enforcement officers) take to create a safe environment for us on the MIT campus, allowing us to do what we do. Rest in peace, Sean! You will not be forgotten.


My deepest sympathy to the Collier family. My sister Eileen Mello worked as a nurse for several years with Sean's mother when Sean was a little boy and now our whole family is wearing Collier Strong t-shirts with pride. I remember seeing Sean one night when he was walking on his rounds at MIT. I also saw an MIT police car by the Stata Center earlier that Thursday when Sean was killed. I remember thinking how I felt protected that the MIT police were watching out for us after the Marathon bombings. He protected us. Thank you.

Mary Agnes Mullowney

I have made a contribution to honor Sean Collier to : Search Dog Foundation Headquarters
501 E. Ojai Ave.
Ojai, CA 93023,
Here is part of my letter :

" It is once again with a heavy heart that I write to you to send a donation to honor the memories of 2 people – The first a dear friend of mine, and second , Sean Collier, the MIT officer who was killed after the Boston marathon bombing........
Seeing the bomb sniffing dogs a month ago and the search dogs at work just this week in Oklahoma makes me think of [my friend], and also the dedication of a first responder such as Sean Collier, someone I did not know at all. I trust they would be touched by my gesture.


M Denaro "

M Denaro Marblehead MA

I just want to say thanks. As an MIT graduate, I know the importance of the work that you do, and how thankless a lot of it is - mostly protecting the students from hurting themselves (stress, alcohol, hacking, etc). I never got to meet Sean, but to all of the MIT police officers, thank you for what you do, and thank you for protecting us.


RIP Brother - I am sure we will meet one day on the other side. Your brother/sisters officers will forever be in debt.

May your family and loved ones hold their heads high!


I was student of MIT in 1975-76. The young Officer has sacrificed his life for humanity and by his devotion to duty, will forever be an inspiration to all of us. His sacrifice truly brought tears to my eyes as must be to millions around the world. I feel for his family for losing such a noble man. May Almighty bless his soul.

Surya K H P Roy Choudhury

The sacrifice of this young man in the line of duty is an unbearable loss for his family, brothers and sisters on the job, friends, students who loved and looked up to him, and for us, the parents of those students for whom he laid down his life. It is of much comfort to know that there are such selfless men and women willing to stand between our loved ones and the unthinkable, unfathomable terror that can invade such a beautiful place. Sometimes we forget that these men and women are not just police officers, they are peace officers. According to my son, a friend of Officer Collier's, he was a shining example of all that is important in a peace officer. Our family is so grateful for his dedication to protecting our student and so, so sorry he was lost doing what he loved best. God rest his soul and may he enjoy a peaceful eternity with St. Michael and all protectors. With much gratitude,

Cris Derrington (MIT parent)

The good die young.

Helen Love

Dear MIT Police Department members and families,

Regretably I never got a chance to meet Officer Sean Collier.

Through the touching accounts of others who had that privilege, I have come to better know him, and he has been in my thoughts every day.

I don't make much of dreams. This morning, however, I dreamed that Sean had returned to campus in full uniform, with hiking equipment from a trip. Upon awakening I realized the ugly truth and felt such a profound sense of loss. And my next thought was of all of you and the Collier family- what do you feel every time you wake up to a new day with that realization of this new world without Sean? How are you holding up?

I have learned in these trying times that we compartmentalize people a lot- the research staff, the maintence staff, etc, in proximity and totally disconnected. And then there is law enforcement. As a citizen, I understand that the dangerous nature of your job requires that I respect you and your space. Thus we have such a limited understanding of you and your lives. I am grateful the citizens you protect and serve have recently had a chance to better get to know you, although unfortunately through tragic circumstances.

We just can't understand what it is like to lose a fellow Officer.

Here are some of my experiences and observations with respect to your response of late:

1. I have realized I have worked on the same floor as an MIT Officer's wife, who has given *so much* to me since I expressed my condolences, going out of her way to let me feel like more of a part of the MIT PD community
2. I met her husband, who wound up comforting me more than I was able to convey condolences for his loss
3. Watched MIT and Cambridge Officers discuss how best to consolidate and make more permanent the makeshift memorial at Stata
4. Watched an MIT Officer sell Collier Strong t shirts

The fact is we need you. Not just to keep the watch. We need your strength. I draw on your example every day to be a better citizen, to give more.

Chief DiFava conveyed during the memorial service a sense of a betrayal that members of the Cambridge community could turn on those who protect and serve them.

I have to echo this sentiment after learning of the college students who did not come forward after learning their friend was a suspect in the Marathon Bombings. If just one person had come forward, just one, this brutal assassination of our Officer could have been prevented.

So to the rest of my fellow citizens, lets try and lead the conversation as to what is going on in our communities that could have made these acts possible and then protected by community members. Law enforcement cannot carry the full burden of this problem, though they will bravely
remain in the line of fire as they do their jobs.

The Collier family, MIT Police and families, I can assure you that even as we all return to normal under your watch, you are in our thoughts every day.

I am so sorry for your loss.



Batula Zaidi

Thanks for your dedicated service to MIT and it's citizens. Your actions where incredibly brave and you are a hero. Thank you for everything and RIP.

Kyle Hunt


Sean - Thank you for protecting our wonderful institution. RIP ... and may you never be forgotten.


I can only imagine what your loved ones are going through. Your and your family's sacrifice is so great that words escape me. Thank You seems so small in comparison to your life, I feel embarrassed, however, that is all I can offer for now. My promise to your memory is that I will do my best to contribute some sort of positive gesture every day in your memory and my way of appreciating your loss.


May you own our thoughts, prayers, and thanks for your sacrifice to our MIT community and the Boston community at large. You will not be forgotten in our hearts and minds for as long as we remain on this Earth.


Your brothers will always love you. Freedom and Justice will always be grateful for what you have given to its people. You will never be alone as you will always always have the love of an entire world in your corner. From one brother to another. I salute you sir.

Daniel Sibulkin

Thank you for your ultimate sacrifice. As an undergraduate, I foolishly thought that you and your brothers were impeding our roofing and tunneling tours, or protecting us from our pranks. In hindsight, I realize that you were also shielding us from an outside world that had become less gentle and more intrusive with each passing year. I am sorry that you had to pay this ultimate sacrifice for me to finally realize this. Wherever you are, I hope you are filled with calm and serenity.

Ruben Martinez (MIT 1982)

I'm so sorry for the loss of such an outstanding police officer. As a Wellesley student, I spent a lot of time on the MIT campus and was always safe due to the efforts of campus police. It hurts to lose someone out there protecting my community. My deepest condolences to Officer Collier's family, friends, and the MIT campus.

Evelyn, Wellesley alum

RIP Brother for we have never met, but we will meet one day. From one brother to another.

David DeOliveira
